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New products

Bite Indicator T6

The bite indicator T6 has unique UVA-Glow Bobbin, which uses UV LED to stimulate UV-reactive rubber to glow, creating a discreet and cool look without illuminating surroundings. The UV-reactive rubber T6

ND Smart Handset_V3

The latest version of the boats remote control.Transmission range of up to 300M on free sight, free of interference, when FCC compliant. Note: This remote control is only compatible with new hardware Handset_V3

SB3 - Sleeping Bag(3 Season)

Suitable for spring, summer, autumn, and cool weather. Maintain comfort, warmth, and safety. Our sleeping bag follows a new concept. Instead of permanently integrating the electrical components, we ha sb3

SB4 - Sleeping Bag(4 Season)

Suitable for spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Maintain comfort, warmth, and safety. Our sleeping bag follows a new concept. Instead of permanently integrating the electrical components, we have dev sb4
