
Wenn du uns per E-Mail kontaktierst, überprüfe bitte deine Junk- und Spam-Ordner auf Antworten. Wir haben ein engagiertes Team, das E-Mails beantwortet und jede E-Mail wird innerhalb von 24 Stunden beantwortet. Eine andere Möglichkeit, uns zu kontaktieren, ist über den Facebook Messenger. Bei Problemen bitten wir dich um Videos, damit wir das Problem sehen und dir bestmöglich helfen können..

Infos zur Lieferung:

1. Delivery information: UK region will be shipped from the United Kingdom and will arrive in 2-3 days (Boat2 will be deliveried up to 2-3 weeks in UK); EU region will be shipped from Germany and will arrive in 2-5 days.

2. You can choose to Pay via Paypal or Credit card(mollie). When you click the Pay button, It will redirect to PayPal or, ND tackle will not collect any of your account information.

3. To be entitled to a full refund or exchange, we must have received the return item in unused condition in the original packaging within 30 days of you taking delivery (digital products can be refunded within 15 days). If you return your purchase by post or courier after the periods outlined above (with exception of faulty or damaged goods) were serve the right not to process your return. When returning goods please make sure that you fill out ticket in the following URL.

4. Please know that your personal information (address, email, mobile phone number) will be forwarded to the shipping company for tracking the shipment.
